Welcome to my blog
Established 2021

~ From Czech to USA ~
I have been cooking and baking ever since I was a child. Maybe 10 years old. I hope my girls will grow up with the same love for cooking and baking as I did.
A couple of years ago I did come across restrictions in my kitchen. My daughter got diagnosed with celiac disease and I am re-learning new ways of cooking and baking. Nothing tastes the same but, I am finally getting closer and closer to the same flavors. Some trials are disasters but some are nice surprises. I am attempting to convert my favorite recipes from Czech into a Gluten-Free version.
~ Meet my little family ~

I met my sweet husband in 2005 and been together ever since.
We meet on the beach out of all places. We both lived in Georgia very close to each other but had to travel to Florida to meet.
Our first Daughter was born a couple of years later and our second daughter four years after that. They are very good sisters and they actually like each other. Surprisingly!!! They both love to help me in the kitchen and many times they both are working on cooking under the camera while I am getting stuff ready for them. Makes my cooking so much easier!
We try to go home to the Czech Republic every year and I enjoy taking my family around as tourists. It is nice to see my home town (Prague) from a different view and not from the view of a person who lives there.
~ Welcome to my kitchen ~
After our first-born daughter got diagnosed with Celiac, at eight years old, I felt like my world collapsed in every way. First: my daughter has lifelong sickness and second: my baking and cooking did not work anymore.
It took me a couple of years to find my passion for cooking and baking again. My recipes started slowly coming back to me. And then, Covid 19 pandemic hit us! Being in the kitchen did not bother me at first. But later, it became a work, since everyone was at home every day. I was running out of ideas and started to be bored.
We have all found ourselves standing in the pantry, staring, glancing back and forth. There’s food, but nothing to eat. We head for the fridge hoping for better inspiration. Nothing. Back to the pantry. Sigh of defeat.
I hope I will give you an inspiration for cooking and founding new recipes. My goal is to create easy and simple recipes, but sometimes I am in the mood for experimenting and creating something more time consuming and more difficult, to prove myself that I can do it. If I can do it, you can do it as well. I am not a professional I just like to create.

Hopefully, I will bring inspiration to you.
…and if you have Czech Republic on your bucket list. You can find information on where to travel and what to see in my posts and useful information travel guides won’t tell you. I am happy to share the traditions we have back home and the traditions I continue for my children here in the USA. Czech Republic is not just Prague. So many beautiful places to visit!
If you do not have the Czech Republic on your bucket list, you should add it.

Who am I...?
I am not a professional baker nor a cook, I am not a professional photographer nor a web designer, but I do love to learn new things and decided to share my passion for baking and cooking, while I am trying to figure out this web stuff... I also get many questions about Czech Republic. Hopefully, I can capture many traditions and the beauty which Czech Republic can offer in my posts
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