Even GLUTEN-FREE can taste delicious! 

Czech Pancakes – Livance

Livance - Czech style pancakes - Gluten-free
Normal - Experienced

Delicious Czech Pancakes livance is not considered a breakfast food in the Czech. They are more filling but light and fluffy. We always had pancakes for lunch, as that is the main meal in our family. My brother and I always loved when we saw our mom get ready to make pancakes. They are a little bit more time-consuming to make than the American version. I still like and prefer this recipe for the Czech version over the American.

I’m a huge fan of Czech pancakes. I get requests from my kids often to make Czech pancakes. Some people can be hard to get the batter to the right consistency and maintaining the pan at the right heat. When you make it a couple of times, you can make your own style, and it will become easy. It’s a breeze to make tasty and good pancakes, even with the “assistance” of small children.

Being yeasted, they’ll take some extra time to make, but they are really worth the wait. It’s easy enough to make the batter and then enjoy a delicious meal.

Did you know this about Czech Pancakes?

Traditionally pancakes were eaten last Tuesday before Lent, as it was the final chance to enjoy a bit of delicious food before forty days of fasting and abstinence. Pancake recipes are pretty simple – usually just eggs, flour, and milk – and so in our age of abundant food, it seems almost laughable that in a more puritan past, these basic ingredients were seen as luxuries, and therefore out of bounds for Lent. 

Still, for many people, pancakes maintain the mystique associated with forbidden food. There’s also a sense of occasion in having an annually appointed day just for pancakes. But perhaps most of all, it’s the childhood thrill of tossing pancakes – seeing the golden disc rise from the pan, slowly turn in mid-air, and land (almost always) successfully back in the pan – that gives pancakes their magic. Read more here…

I am so happy to be living in modern times and be able to make pancakes as often as I want!

Let’s get cooking!

They are super easy to make, but like I said little bit time-consuming, you need to wait for proof of your gluten-free batter due to yeast. Other than waiting for the batter to rise, they are quick. My older daughter likes to bake them; that’s how easy they are.

Fresh or dry yeast?

I grew up around mainly fresh yeast as in Czech we use fresh yeast more often than dry yeast. It is sold the same way like Instant yeast. You can find it everywhere in the fridge section of a store and cubed into one portions.

I am lucky to find fresh yeast here in Atlanta in Fresh Market. Unfortunately for me, it is sold in a huge brick. I still buy it and portion it into small pieces and store it in the freezer.

Is there a difference? Fresh, Active or Instant?

I would say there is no difference at all. It is all about presence, what you are used to. Fresh yeast is soft and moist and is mainly used by professionals, which I am not a professional, I am just used to Fresh yeast. . … Dry yeast is fresh yeast that has been pressed and dried until the moisture content makes the yeast dormant (until mixed with warm water). Dry yeast has a much longer shelf life than fresh yeast and does not need to be refrigerated unless opened.

Active Dry Yeast

Active dry yeast is the most commonly available form for home bakers and is available in ¼-oz packets or jars. The yeast is dormant; it needs to be re-hydrated and proofed before using. Open containers should be store in the refrigerator.

Instant Yeast

Instant yeast is a dry yeast that comes in smaller granules than active dry yeast, absorbs liquid rapidly, and does not need to be rehydrated or proofed before being mixed into the flour. Store the yeast in a cool, dry place or the refrigerator once the package has been opened.

Czech Pancake – Livance Batter recipe

Do you happen to use fresh yeast?

If yes, that will be your first step. Fresh yeast has to be proven in tepid milk (80 to 90 degrees F). In many articles, I have read to not use salt or sugar while proofing. I know salt would kill the bacteria and be added after proofing Bread dough when making bread or dumplings. I always sprinkle sugar, as I have always been told a pinch of sugar will wake up yeast bacteria faster. Maybe it is an old wife tail, who knows.

Here is what I do…

Crumble the yeast into smaller pieces, add a pinch of sugar, and pour warm milk over. You can break the yeast even more with a fork. Let sit for about 10-15 minutes till the milk gets foamy on the top.

Skip this step, when you are using dry yeast.

Just remember to make sure to use correct way if using Active dry yeast or Instant Yeast.

Continue with dry yeast

Always use room temperature milk or heat your milk in the microwave to take the cold edge off.

Start with whisking eggs with sugar. Add two eggs in and whisk together. Slowly alternate between adding flour and milk. If you are using “Instant Yeast,” do add now as well. Keep alternating while whisking, that way, you will prevent creating clumps in your batter. Feel free to use an electric mixer. I use a whisk, as it is fast and less cleaning.

  • 2 eggs
  • 2 1/2 cups of gluten-free flour 
  • 3 1/2 cups of milk divided (warm)
  • 1 tbsp of active dry yeast (if you have fresh, use about 40g)
  • 1 tbsp of sugar

Proofing your Batter for Czech pancakes

Whisk all ingredients together into a smooth, not clumpy liquid. Put a towel over your bowl and set it aside in a warm area to let proof for one hour. It will look like a soft liquid without bubbles at the begging. After some time, little bubbles will start appearing at the top, which means the yeast is working.

TIP: A great trick to proof the batter, is to put the bowl into an oven, which was previously warmed up and now is turned off.

The pancake batter is ready when doubled in size and has very bubbly consistency. The sickness is almost like American pancakes, but with added bubbles. It is hard to explain. Hopefully the bio will show you how it should look.

Almost there…

Get a nonstick pan; you can use a very light brush with oil on the pan’s bottom if the pancakes are sticking to the pan. The trick is to have a hot skillet, but not to burn your pancakes. It is tricky to find your right tempeture. I have an induction stove top and use #7. That is the magic number for my pancakes.

Make the pancakes the same way you would make American pancakes. Use a ladle or your measuring cup to make three or four equal rounds if you want small pancakes. The pancakes are getting fluffy as they are cooking, and those bubbles are making them airy.

The batter will continue to build bubbles. Do not mix the batter; the bubbles would disappear, and the batter would get flat.

The authentic Czech pancakes – Livance are delicious and don’t taste anything like their American counterparts. If you use more oil to make them, they will have brownish edges, but the middle remains yellow. I prefer a non-stick skillet and as little oil as possible.

From this batch, you can make around 20 Gluten-Free pancakes. Depends on how big and thick you will make them.

Tip: When I am done cooking, I like to flip the pancakes from the bottom of my plate to the top. The gluten-Free version of pancakes always gets mushy on the bottom from the steam forming after piling one hot pancake on each other.

How do we serve Livance In Czech Republic?

Here is another big difference between Czech and American pancakes. The easiest way is to baste each pancake with butter and sprinkle cinnamon sugar. Roll it up and Enjoy it!!!

Second, the fancier way is to start plum butter on your pancake. In Czech, we have specialty cheese called “tvaroh,” which we grade over plum butter, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, and top it with sweetened sour cream. If you do not like sour cream, you can always use FRESH whipped cream. Fold your pancake like a taco and take a bite!!!

What is Tvaroh and what can you use instead?

Finding this type of cheese might be a bit challenging. The closest cheese to the one we use in the Czech Republic is farmers’ cheese or Amish cheese. This cheese is on the dryer side and can be graded. There are a couple of different types, and when I buy, softer one, I crumble the cheese with my fingers.

Try to find one without sodium added. If you make it somewhere into the international market and have the ‘Eastern European section,” look for “tvorog,” the Russian style cheese.

Let’s not stay traditionally traditional!

My Kids love Nutella everything! Nutella sandwich, Nutella Crepes, and of course Nutella Pancakes. It is also delicious when you top your pancakes with fresh fruit, such as blueberries or strawberries and raspberries.

For Plum butter? You do not have to use plum butter. I would recommend Jam or Marmalade, which is on a bit tart sides. Raspberry or red currant are my favorites!

Cooking tips:

  • Ensure that your bather is well mixed and you have no lumps.
  • If you have leftovers, store your pancakes in the fridge and cover them with foil.
  • I do not warm my pancakes in the microwave. I put a little bit of butter on the skillet and warm them on my skillet.
  • If you like Nutella, try to eat them with Nutella!!!
  • Serve your pancakes from the bottom of the plate. The steam makes them wet, and they get mushy if you do not let them cool down before storing them. This is due to using Glute-Free flour, as I do not have the same problem with regular pancakes.

Who inspired me?

Suppose you wonder who inspired this delicious Czech Pancakes – livance recipe? My childhood did! Growing up with my mom and my grandma making pancakes on special occasions during summertime was always my happy day! You do not even need a recipe. Many cooks use the method – “a little bit of this little bit of that.”

It was interesting to figure out how much of everything I would need, especially when making a Gluten-Free version. ( I like to cook by eye a lot as well)

Did you enjoy this Gluten-Free recipe? If you try this Czech pancakes – livance recipe, let me know!

Leave a comment please. Thank you so much!

Other desserts recipes to try

If you like these Strawberry Crumb Bars, be sure to try these other dessert bar recipes.

  • Lemon Bars, which were the inspiration for the Strawberry Crumb Bars. They truly started the Fruit bars taste!
  • Orange bars, very similar to Lemon bars.

Until next time…!


© FROMCZECHTOUSA. All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please link back to this post for the recipe.

Do you enjoy more fluffy recipes? Here is one, you will love! Souffle Cheesecake

Czech pancakes “livance”

Delicious Czech Pancakes – livance is not considered a breakfast food in the Czech. They are more filling but light and fluffy. 
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: Czech
Diet: Gluten Free
Keyword: Czech food, gluten-free, pancakes
Servings: 20 pancakes


  • 2 eggs
  • 2 1/2 cups of gluten-free flour
  • 3 1/2 cups of milk divided (warm)
  • 1 tbsp of active dry yeast
  • 1-2 tbsp of sugar



  • If Using Instant dry yeast – Instant Yeast
    Absorbs liquid rapidly, and does not need to be rehydrated or proofed before being mixed into the flour
  • If Using Active Dry Yeast
    The yeast is dormant; it needs to be re-hydrated and proofed before using.
  • If Using Fresh Yeast – refer to my blog post, where I explained in detail and pictures since it is not as common in the USA as in Czech.


  • Start with whisking eggs with sugar. Add two eggs in and whisk together. Slowly alternate between adding flour and milk. If you are using “Instant Yeast,” do add now as well. Keep alternating while whisking, that way, you will prevent creating clumps in your batter. Feel free to use an electric mixer. I use a whisk, as it is fast and less cleaning.
  • Whisk all ingredients together into a smooth, not clumpy liquid. Put a towel over your bowl and set it aside in a warm area to let proof for one hour. It will look like a soft liquid without bubbles at the begging. After some time, little bubbles will start appearing at the top, which means the yeast is working.
    TIP: A great trick to proof the batter, is to put the bowl into an oven, which was previously warmed up and now is turned off.
  • The pancake batter is ready when doubled in size and has a very bubbly consistency. The Thickness is almost like American pancakes, but with added bubbles.
  • Get a nonstick pan; you can use a very light brush with oil on the pan’s bottom if the pancakes are sticking to the pan. The trick is to have a hot skillet, but not to burn your pancakes. It is tricky to find your right temperature. I have an induction stovetop and use #7. That is the magic number for my pancakes.
  • Make the pancakes the same way you would make American pancakes. Use a ladle or your measuring cup to make three or four equal rounds if you want small pancakes. The pancakes are getting fluffy as they are cooking, and those bubbles are making them airy.
    The batter will continue to build bubbles. Do not mix the batter; the bubbles would disappear, and the batter would get flat.


  • The easiest way is to baste each pancake with butter and sprinkle cinnamon sugar. Roll it up and Enjoy it!!!
    Second, the fancier way is to start plum butter on your pancake. In Czech, we have specialty cheese called “tvaroh,” which we grade over plum butter, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, and top it with sweetened sour cream. If you do not like sour cream, you can always use FRESH whipped cream. Fold your pancake like a taco and take a bite!!!


Cooking tips:

  • Ensure that your bather is well mixed and you have no lumps.
  • If you have leftovers, store your pancakes in the fridge and cover them with foil.
  • I do not warm my pancakes in the microwave. I put a little bit of butter on the skillet and warm them on my skillet.
  • If you like Nutella, try to eat them with Nutella!!!
  • Serve your pancakes from the bottom of the plate. The steam makes them wet, and they get mushy if you do not let them cool down before storing them. This is due to using Glute-Free flour, as I do not have the same problem with regular pancakes.
  • Always use room temperature milk or heat your milk in the microwave to take the cold edge off.
  • When I am done cooking, I like to flip the pancakes from the bottom of my plate to the top. The gluten-Free version of pancakes always gets mushy on the bottom from the steam forming after piling one hot pancake on each other.
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Czech Pancakes - LivanceCzech Pancakes - Livance
Livance - Czech style pancakes - Gluten-free

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I am not a professional baker nor a cook, I am not a professional photographer nor a web designer, but I do love to learn new things and decided to share my passion for baking and cooking, while I am trying to figure out this web stuff... I also get many questions about Czech Republic. Hopefully, I can capture many traditions and the beauty which Czech Republic can offer in my posts

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